Here we are in another presidential election season when those that sling it wish mud became suddenly transparent, and truth is something the candidates wish the ever present media did not document for posterity.
I am a dumb ass when it comes to politics. All the males in my family will tell you so, because I don't get the big picture...and they're right, I don't get the BIG picture they elude to, because I see the nuances they ignore.
I have been told by male relatives who I should vote for because history will tell me my thinking is wrong, that certain politicians are keeping their lights under barrels that will only break open in the years to come. Everything said politician is doing today, before the ever present eye of the public, a tip of an iceberg too complex for me or my peers to grasp.
Maybe I am naive. I judge a candidate not on what they say; they all spout what they think we want to hear, but on how they behave.
For instance, a candidate who places political advancement before the well being of their own family members sends up all kinds of red flags to me. If a candidate outs their unwed pregnant child to quell the rumors of that candidates questionable conduct, that makes me ask a vital question about said candidates ability to represent us, the People.
Jockeying for political prominence by disregarding what is in the best interest of your family, suggests to me if over the barrel, this candidate would sell the Country out before risking his/her own political future.
Am I wrong? Maybe, but it's too important a decision to take the chance.
Another issue I have, especially with what is currently happening. History is a grand polygraph. One of the candidates wants us to believe leopards change their spots miraculously when they toss their hats into the presidential ring.
I remember the rabid assault this politician waged in pursuing impeachment against a president who lied about getting a really bad closet tonguing. Yes he lied...about an extramarital situation that had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with his performance as the leader of the land. LOTS of our presidents have willy-waggled before him.
What stuck with me is the man pursuing the hearings with such unholy glee while had both his wife on one side and his mistress on the other right there behind him while he crucified another man for doing the very same thing he didn't mind doing himself.
My relatives want this tough man, but how tough is a man who vilifies others while not outing his own immoral acts?
Is such a man capable of placing the people who put him into office above his gratifications? DO leopards change spots?
Not in the world I have spent my life growing up and old in.
We've become a world that acts like words are nothing more than ethereal wisps of vocal malarkey not to be taken seriously when they backfire, but taken as gospel when they are spouted.
I refer to the words that resonated in the mercurial mind of a sick man and made him take aim at Congresswoman Gifford and her people. It is the DUTY of the leaders to be aware of the power of words and choose them wisely. Not everyone drawn before the crowds they address are as sane as the politician blasting them.
It has long been understood the dynamics of group mentality. Speak incite-fully into such a gathering, where thunderous applause and "right on, sister," "I'm with you, brother" are shouted back, the words you choose MUST be spoken with care and understanding. If you do not understand the potential of words in such a setting, how can I trust you to understand the power of words in international situations?
I am a dumb ass. Politicians wish the mud they sling in yesterday's venue are unable to come back to haunt them, but you see, truth really IS eternal.
To those that call me names for disagreeing with their perceptions, I release you to your wisdom and honor your right to believe as you do. For myself, I look beyond the immediate issues that never get addressed anyway, to the core person and how they treat those they call family. THAT to me is far more telling about who that politician is than anything else.
So this is one Dumb Ass signing off...for now.
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